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Create your first Environment

In this article, you'll find a quick guide on how to create your first Environment in Golive.


  • You must have installed Golive.

  • You must have the Create and Delete Environments permission included in an Environment Permission Scheme. For detailed information on the Permissions Scheme, refer to the Security & Permissionsdocumentation.

Create your first Environment

To create your first Environment, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a Jira Project

Select a Jira Project that aligns with the applications you intend to manage Environments for.


It’s recommended to choose a project already used for tracking bugs, stories, or other application-related tasks.

Step 2: Open the Golive Project page

Access the Golive Project Page from the left sidebar within your chosen Jira Project. The default Environment View displays all Environments associated with your project. If you haven't set up your Jira Project yet, you will encounter an empty list or dashboard.


If Golive isn't visible, enable it in Project Settings/Golive.


Golive is only visible on the left sidebar for Jira Software and Jira Service Management Projects.

Step 3: Create an Environment

  1. Click the + Create Environment button located at the upper-right corner of the screen.

  2. Select the Single Environment tab.

  3. Choose an existing Category or create a new one to classify your environment.

  4. Select or create an Application.


Each environment is linked to a single Application, providing granularity for tracking deployed versions, and you can safely create one Golive Environment per Application. For more information, refer to the Organizing your Environments & Applications documentation.

  1. If you are creating a new Application, set Get application versions from by choosing:

    1. An existing Jira Project: Choose this option if you store your Application versions in a Jira Project.

    2. None: Choose this option if you aren’t using Jira Versions for this Application.

  2. Set the Deployed Version by choosing:

    1. An existing Jira Version: Choose this option to select an already existing Jira version deployed on your Environment.

    2. Create new version: Choose this option to create a new version. If you have selected a Jira Project in the previous step, this new version will be created in your Jira Project.

    3. None: Choose this option if there is no version currently deployed on your Environment.

  1. Click Create.

Step 4: Check and update the Environment

After creation, review and update the following additional information:

  • Status.

  • URL.

  • Attributes.

  • Environment name.

The newly created Environment will be visible in both the Environment Matrix and Environment List, showcasing its details within the Jira Project.

Step 5: Add other Applications and Environments

To expand your Jira Project's coverage, go to the Project Settings page. Map additional Applications to your project, and all associated Environments will be integrated. For detailed instructions on how to set up your Jira Projects, refer to the Jira Project Settings documentation.

Next steps

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