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Scheduling Calendar

Scheduling Calendars display all activities taking place on your Environments, including:

  • Bookings.

  • Changes.

  • Blackouts.


Before setting up the Scheduling Calendar, ensure that you have completed your Scheduling Configuration.

Set up the Scheduling Calendar

  1. Open the Timeline where you want to add a Scheduling Calendar.

  2. Click on Add Calendar in the Calendars section, and select Scheduling.

  3. In the Main Calendar Settings tab, choose the Event Type you want your Calendar to display:

  • Booking.

  • Booking dependencies.

  • Change.

  • Change dependencies.

  • Blackout.

  • Blackout dependencies.

The options you’ll see depend on the configuration of your Scheduling Configuration.

In the Filters section, you can define additional filters. For instance, if you want your calendar to only display events that are certain statuses, add an Issue Statuses filter and select the statuses you want to display.

Customize Displayed Event Information

Your Calendar Events' layout is fully customizable. You can choose which information to display in the following 3 different areas:

To change the view options, follow these steps:,

  1. Open the Calendar Details Panel of an Issue Calendar

  2. Open the Displayed Information section:

  1. Choose which fields should be displayed in each of the three different areas: Title, Tags, and Details.

  2. Re-order fields by dragging and dropping them.

  3. Click Done to apply your changes.

Only fields with non-empty values will be shown in the Title and Tags areas. Fields added to Details will only be visible in the dialog opened when clicking an Event on the Timeline.

Create an Event

To create a new Event, follow one of these methods:

1: Drag and Drop

  1. Click on the plus button next to the Calendar.

  2. Drag and drop the plus button of a Calendar onto the Timeline.

2: Calendar Drop-Down Menu

  1. Select a Calendar.

  2. Open its drop-down menu.

  3. Choose Add Event.

Create a new Event with Drag & Drop

Create issue screen opens

Upon triggering the creation of an event, the create issue screen will open. Ensure you have the necessary Jira permissions to create new issues.

Resize and Move an Event

To resize or move an event, follow these steps:

  1. Resize: Select and drag the start/end of an Issue Event to change its start/end date.

  2. Move: Select and click in the middle of an event to move it.

Ensure that you have the necessary Jira permissions to edit the selected issue.

Edit an Event

To edit an Issue Event belonging to an Issue Calendar, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Double click: Double click the Event.

  • Click and select: Select the event and click the Edit button in the Event dialog.

Edition of an Issue Event will open the standard Jira "Edit Issue" dialog.

Ensure that you have the necessary Jira permissions to edit the selected issue.

Delete an Event

To delete an Issue Event belonging to an Issue Calendar, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Event you want to delete.

  2. Click the Browse button to open the Jira issue page associated with the Event.

  3. Delete the Jira issue from the opened page.

Ensure you have the appropriate Jira permissions to delete the selected issue.

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