Released on December 5th, 2023 | Golive Marketplace Listing | Version History
New Features
Multi-Project Version Synchronization
Are your teams collaborating on various components or applications across different Jira projects? With Golive, you can now seamlessly synchronize Jira versions across multiple projects and link each team's issues to the appropriate release.
Simply specify the additional projects you want to synchronize with through the configuration of your Golive application. Streamline collaboration across teams and enhance project management efficiency with this straightforward feature.

Quick Filters: Drag and drop of timeline quick filters has been improved
Swimlane: Smoother swimlane configurations reordering
Favorite Views: Favorite views reorganization optimized
Environment Details Modal: Close button now remains visible even on scroll down
We appreciate your feedback, and these updates aim to enhance your workflow. Thank you for your continued support.