Released on June 5, 2024 | Golive Marketplace Listing | Version History
New features
Rescheduling Screen
When there is a need to reschedule a booking, change, or blackout, it is important to ensure that the request is reevaluated for potential conflicts. The best practice is to mark the fields as read-only and require users to use a “Reschedule” transition. However, this approach prevents rescheduling from the Golive timeline.
That's why we implemented a brand-new Rescheduling Screen. Now, users can reschedule events directly from the timeline using drag-and-drop, and the rescheduling screen opens automatically to let them confirm the changes. The Jira issue is then transitioned to the “In Review” status, allowing for approval (automated or manual) to take place.

Scheduling Template
Until now, you could create your Scheduling Timeline by adding one Scheduling Calendar per event type defined in your Scheduling Configuration. But what if we could simplify that process?
With the new Environment Scheduling Timeline template, Scheduling Calendars are created automatically based on your Scheduling Configuration. This includes calendars for your Bookings, Changes, Blackouts, and any related dependencies (if configured).

Kubernetes Agent
We’ve added the ability to integrate your Kubernetes cluster with Golive. This integration helps you maintain up-to-date environment statuses, leverage historical insights, improve incident management, and track everything in real-time for optimal visibility.
Refer to the Kubernetes Integration Article, install the agent, and share your thoughts with us!
Sub-tasks Scheduling Support
Some of you are managing your Changes in Jira Subtasks, which was not supported by our Scheduling Configuration. Now you have the option to select Jira Subtasks as Bookings, Changes or Blackouts in your Scheduling Configuration. Rescheduling Subtasks is possible from the timeline, however creating new Subtasks must be done from the parent Jira issue.

We’ve enhanced the Environment List Views with the capability to add more columns displaying Deployment Attributes, easily identifiable by a ship icon next to them.
The current active View, whether Pinned or Favorite, is now highlighted in bold for better clarity. This improvement makes it easier to identify the View you are currently using.
We've removed the tags next to calendar names on the Calendar section of the Timeline. This improvement enhances the overall design, making it cleaner and less cluttered.
Now, the Add more columns drop-down menu is automatically closed after selection, enhancing usability.
We've improved the Matrix and List Views to load all environments at once, eliminating the need to click load more to find the desired environment.
The No Environment info message now includes actionable instructions, providing clearer guidance for users when Golive can't locate environments.
The Environment Description field is now searchable in the Environment Filter (funnel icon).
Bug fixes
We've adjusted the Environment List View to prevent resizing and re-dimensioning of page elements when hovering the mouse. This fix ensures a stable and predictable user experience.
We've fixed an issue where the auto-scroll function was not working when adding a dependency to an Environment. Now, when you add a dependency, the system automatically scrolls to the corresponding and relevant field.
We've updated the display of links in email deployment notifications. Now, only the link itself appears instead of the complete URL.
We’ve fixed an issue where the Environment Detail dialog was sometimes displayed under the Timeline Event dialog.
We've adjusted the layout of the Environment Details buttons by adding space between them. Now, the buttons are no longer placed side-by-side and are easier to see and click.
We've fixed an issue that prevented users from deleting previously created Views.
We've fixed an issue where the Save button was not displayed after removing a Confirmed Status value in the Scheduling Configuration screen.
We appreciate your feedback, thank you for your continued support.