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Environment Panels

Learn what are environment panels and how to customize them:

What are Environment Panels?

Environment Panels allows you to display detailed information related to current environment. Environment Panels are displayed at the bottom on the Environment Dialog and the Environment Detail Page:

Manage Environment Panels Page

You can update Environment Panels of an environment by using the “Manage Environment Panels” option:

You can also access the “Manage Environment Panels” page globally from the Setting menu of a Golive Page:

Add an Environment Panel

Click on the + button to add a new Panel:

And select the type of panel you would like to add:

If you choose to display a Timeline, you can select an existing Timeline or create a new one:

Timeline information can always be found using the “Linked Timeline” button:

Reorder and Delete Panels

From the tabs navigation bar, you can reorder and delete panels:

Clicking on a tab, you can rename it:

Save a Modified Panel

Depending on the type of panel, you can modify its options and save it directly:

When you save a Timeline Panel, your changes will apply to the linked Timeline too.

Configure Panel Schemes

By default, all the environments are sharing the same Environment Panels. If you would like different panels to be displayed for different Environments groups, you can assign to them different Panel Schemes.

To create a new Panel Scheme,

The default Panel Scheme will be applied automatically to your newly created Environments:

And you can select the Panel Scheme you would like for each Environment using this option:

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