Released on June 21st, 2023 | Golive Marketplace Listing | Version History
New Features
Environment Spider Map
New graph to visualize and browse environment dependencies and tiers:

Learn more: Spider Map
Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA)
Server to cloud migration now integrated with Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA). No need our support anymore to perform migration runs: you are now completely autonomous.
Note also that custom fields and their values are now automatically migrated thanks to JCMA integration.
Learn more: Data Center to Cloud Migration
Azure DevOps Extension
Many companies using Golive are also using Azure DevOps. Thanks to our new Azure DevOps extensions available on Visual Studio Marketplace, it has never been so easy to push information from your Azure pipelines to Golive Cloud or Server/Data Center.

Learn more: Azure DevOps (TFS, VSTS)
Release Management
If missing, the prefix is now automatically added to Jira versions created in Golive in order to enforce naming convention.
The release start date is automatically set to current date when Golive creates Jira versions
Application Management
We replaced pagination by an infinite scroll in order to improve experience of users working with many applications and application tiers
Multi-tier Environments
It is now possible to update the deployed version of a tier directly from the parent environment
Cloning a multi-tier environment is now also cloning its tiers
Default tier environments are created when creating a multi-tiers environment
Deleting a multi-tier environment is now deleting its tier environments in order to reduce the number of orphaned tiers
Learn more about Multi-tier environments here: Multi-tier Environments
Fixed Bugs
Big improvement of performance and reliability of Golive Cloud custom field indexation
It was not possible to click on help button of environment search in timeline filter, swimlane settings or calendar settings
Some unmodified views were wrongly considered as dirty
Description of deployment were not displayed when applications were created by REST API
Not able to select "None" option on project picker of application dialog
Application list version mapping not correctly displayed
Improve freshness of linked environments display on updates
Fixed available version for create/edit deployment of past item
Restored timeline refresh button
Avoid undesired "with tiers" filter on environment views
Fixed status/version lozenge alignement