Released on March 3rd, 2023 | Golive Marketplace Listing | Version History
New Integration Hub
Discover the new revamped Integration Hub and unlock your creativity by integrating Golive with your favorite apps such as communication tools, CI, monitoring or more.New Option to automatically create Jira Versions from Deployments
Configure your applications to create a new Jira version each time your deployment refers one not already existing in your Jira instance.New ID Environment Search Criterion
A new convenient environment search criteria named id has been added to retrieve more easily one specific environment in your views (matrix, list, timeline…)
Learn more on searching capabilities
Fixed Bugs
Environment: attribute wrongly re-ordered on attribute update.
Environment: not able to delete attribute value from an environment.
Home Page: undesired blank home screen.
Timeline-Xray: fixed support of environment timeline criteria for Xray Environment Custom Field.
Timeline: environment criteria not available.
Timeline: deployment detail screen should appear on top of the environment modal.
Timeline & Gadget: lozenge not always correctly displayed.
Rest API: some status endpoints not appearing in the right section.
Environment List: remove “None” as default empty value for attributes
Environment Status: removed blinking effect on change
Version: versions links now point to version release page
Permissions: Default permissions aligned on your Jira instance groups
New Integration Hub
Have a look to our new re-vamped Integration Hub page and look for ideas on how to integration Golive with your infrastructure:

Learn more about integration possibilities
New Option to maintain automatically Jira Version from Deployments
If you configure your version mapping between your Golive applications and Jira to be linked to a specific project, you can now enable the automatic Jira version creation when a new deployment happens.

Enable the new option, try to create a new deployment for an application’s environment and select a version which doesn’t exist, such as:

On operation complete, check you project releases, you should find a new version just created by Golive: