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Attributes, like Jira Custom Fields, enable users to store and share specific information relevant to their context. They offer a structured approach for customizing and extending a system's functionality, similar to how Jira Custom Fields capture additional data for issues.

Types of Attributes


Markdown Attributes support multiline editing and utilizes Markdown syntax, making it easy to format text with various styles. This attribute type is ideal for adding descriptions, notes, or instructions that require more than plain text.

Secured Attributes

Secured Attributes are particularly useful for storing credentials or any sensitive data that shouldn't be accessible to all users authorized to view an Environment or a Deployment.

We do not recommend using secured attributes for storing highly sensitive information like production secrets. Secured attributes values are stored in plain text in the Golive database.

By using the Secured option, you can limit the visibility of sensitive attributes. Only users with the View Secured Attributes or Edit Secured Attributes permissions will have access to view or update these attributes.

For detailed information, refer to the Security & Permissions documentation.

Single Select

Single Select attributes allows you to determine pre-defined options that users can choose from, ensuring consistent data entry. This type of attribute is designed to reduce the risk of errors often found with free-form text entry.

You can safely convert your existing attributes to Single Select without losing their current values.

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