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Manage Environment Details

Learn how to manage Environment Attributes, Dependencies, Tiers and Permissions.

In this article, you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to mange Environment details using the Environment Details dialog.

Accessing the Environment Details Dialog

Follow these instructions to open the Environment Details dialog from various views:

  • Matrix View: Click the Labels.

  • Browser View: Click the Environment you want to edit from the left menu.

  • List View: Click the Environment Name, double-click on an Environment line, or use the View / Edit option in the Actions menu.

  • Last Deployments View & Last Status Changes View: Click the Environment Name on each Swimlane.

Update an Environment Field

  1. Access the Environment Details dialog of the Environment you want to update.

  2. Move the cursor over the Field you want to edit.

  3. Click the desired Field.


URLs, email addresses, and line breaks are automatically formatted for display. You can also use Markdown for custom formatting.

Add an Environment Attribute

  1. Access the Environment Details dialog of the Environment you want to add an Attribute.

  2. Select the attribute you want to add from the Add Attribute drop-down, positioned at the bottom of the attributes section (if needed, click on Show all attributes to display it).

  3. Define the value of the attribute and submit.


For instructions on how to create new Attributes, refer to the Customizing Environment Attributes article.

Delete an Environment Attribute

  1. Access the Environment Details dialog of the Environment you want to delete an Attribute.

  2. Move the cursor over the field you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button (represented by a trash bin icon).

  4. Confirm by clicking the OK button.

Reorder Environment Attributes

  1. Access the Environment Details dialog of the Environment you want to reorder Attributes.

  2. Use the drag-and-drop function to reorder the attributes.

Manage Environment Dependencies


For detailed information about Dependencies in Golive, refer to Environment Dependencies.

  1. Access the Environment Details dialog of the Environment you want to manage Dependencies.

  2. Click the Add dependency button located under the Environment name, or navigate to the Dependencies section.


Check the Dependencies settings of the current application if you can't see the button.

  1. Select an existing Environment or create a new one.

To remove a Dependency, click the X icon positioned on the right of the Dependency.

Manage Environment Tiers


For detailed information about Tiers in Golive, refer to Multi-tier Environments.

  1. Access the Environment Details dialog of the Environment you want to manage Tiers.

  2. Click the Add tier button located under the Environment name, or navigate to the Tiers section.


Check the Tiers settings of the current application if you can't see the button.

  1. Add an existing Tier Environment or create a new one.

  2. Click the Environment Tier Name to update it.

  3. Click the Environment Tier Status to change it.

  4. Click the Environment Tier Version to change it.

  5. Click the 3-dots button and Unlink tier to unlink it from the environment.

  6. Click the 3-dots button and Delete tier to delete it.

Update Environment Permission Scheme

  1. Access the Environment Details dialog of the Environment you want to update the Permission Scheme.

  2. Locate and click the locker icon at the upper right corner.

  3. The Applied Permission Scheme section displays the current Permission Scheme used for this Environment. Click on it to open the drop-down and change the Permission Scheme.

  4. In the Your Permissions section, you can review your own permissions for the selected Permission Scheme.


If you can't edit the permission scheme, it may mean you lack the necessary permissions or there's only one scheme available. For more details, refer to the Security & Permissionsdocumentation.

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