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Manage Applications

In this article, you’ll learn how to set up applications and deployments in Golive. For a deeper understanding about these concepts, refer to the Understand Environment Core Concepts article.


You’ll need Manage Applications global permission to perform operations on applications. For more details on permissions, refer to the Security & Permissions article.

Setting Up an Application

To set up an application in Golive, follow these steps:

  1. In Golive, Click the gear icon located on the upper right corner of Golive Pages.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select Golive Settings.

  3. In the Applications section, select Applications List.

  4. Click the Add Application button located at the top right corner of the Applications page.


To make modifications to an existing application, click the Edit button represented by a pencil icon.

  1. Choose a name for your new application.

  2. Click Create.

Jira Versions Tab

Golive offers integration with Jira, enabling you to synchronize versions of your application with Jira Versions (also called Jira Releases) managed by one or multiple Jira projects. Follow these steps to set up this integration:

  1. Within the Application dialog, navigate to the Jira Versions tab.

  2. In the Manage [Application] versions in following Jira project field, choose how deployed versions of the application will integrate with Jira Versions:

    1. None: Deployed versions are not linked to Jira Versions.

    2. All: Deployed versions can be linked to any Jira Version.

    3. Selected project: Deployed versions can be linked to a Jira Version of the selected Jira Project.

  3. Enter the version naming convention in the designated field. Only the Jira Versions starting with this prefix are displayed in the deployment suggestions.

  4. Choose whether to sync deployed versions with Jira Versions. Enabling this option:

    1. Automatically creates deployed versions in Golive within the corresponding Jira project. It added, it appends the prefix defined in the previous field.

    2. When deploying an existing Jira Version, automatically adds the list of Jira Issues "fixed in" the selected version to the new Golive deployment.

    3. Automatically pushes Jira issues added to a deployed version in Golive as "fixed in" the linked Jira Version.

  5. If desired, select additional projects to sync deployed versions with. When used, new versions will also be created in the selected Jira projects.


To learn more about Jira Versions and Releases, refer to the Atlassian documentation.

Deployments Tab

The Deployment Settings tab allows you to choose how you want to manage deployments of your application in Golive. Follow these steps to configure your application deployment management.

  1. Within the Application dialog, navigate to the Deployments tab.

  2. Choose which information should be displayed and editable when performing a new deployment from Golive screens:

  • Show build number: Enable this option when you need to distinguish different builds of a same version.

  • Show description: Enable this option to set a description for your deployment. This field supports basic HTML tags for rich content, and is unlimited in size.

  • Enable edition of deployed issues: When enabled, users will be able to add/remove deployed issues when creating or editing a deployment in Golive.

  1. Define customizable Deployment Attributes to store additional information in each of your application deployments.


If you can't find the deployment attributes you need in the pre-defined list, you can set up custom Deployment Attributes from the Applications configuration screen.

  1. Choose whether to enable Track re-deployments of the same version. By default, Golive merges two successive deployments of the same version with the same build number to a a given environment.


Activate the Track re-deployments of the same version option only if you absolutely need to keep track of every successive re-deployment of the same version and the same build number in your deployment history.


The best practice is to use different build numbers to track successive deployments of the same version (e.g., common when working with "snapshot" releases).

Dependencies Tab

To set up dependencies of a current application, follow these steps:


For detailed information about dependencies, refer to theEnvironment Dependencies article.

  1. Within the application dialog, navigate to the Dependencies tab.

  2. Enter a dependency.

  3. When at least one dependency is setup at application level, you’ll be able to add dependencies at the environment level.

Application Tiers Tab

To configure an application composed of multiple tiers, tenants, components, modules or markets, follow these steps:


For detailed information about multi-tiers and multi-tenancy applications, refer to the Multi Tier Environments article.

  1. Within the Application dialog, navigate to the Applicaton Tiers tab.

  2. Add, remove and re-order the list of application tiers in the Application Tiers field.

  3. Once at least one application tier is set up at the application level, you'll be able to add a Tier at the environment level.

After adding tiers, you can browse and edit the created application tiers from the list of applications on the Applications page

To manage all existing application tiers, including orphaned ones, click Application Tiers located at the top of the Applications page. This will allow you to manage all your application tiers from the Application Tiers page.

Converting Application Tiers ↔︎ Application


Ensure you have a solid understanding of tiers and dependencies before restructuring your environments and converting your applications. For more information, refer to the following articles:

Convert an Application into Application Tiers


You must first remove any existing application tiers from an application before converting it to application tiers.

To convert existing applications into application tiers, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Applications page.

  2. Locate the application you want to convert.

  3. Click the Convert to tier button corresponding to the application. This button is located in the last column of the application row.

Convert Application Tiers into an Application


You can only convert application tiers that are not already used by an application.

To convert existing application tiers into applications, follow these steps::

  1. Go to the Applications Tiers page.

  2. Locate the application tier you want to convert.

  3. Click the Convert to application button corresponding to the application tier. This button is located in the last column of the application tier row.

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