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We offer free GitHub Actions designed to seamlessly integrate your GitHub workflows with Golive.

Why Choose Golive GitHub Actions?

Our GitHub Actions make it effortless to connect your GitHub repositories with Apwide Golive. Instantly capture ongoing deployments, build/version contents, statuses, and environment details directly from your GitHub workflows.

Keep your testers, release managers, scrum masters, and other key teams informed with real-time updates, all accessible through Jira and Apwide Golive.

Discover how to automatically:

Common use cases

Do you have a specific scenario that requires more advanced integration?

Learn how to access the full Golive API from your GitHub workflows in our guide, or if you think it could benefit other users, feel free to share it with us.

Contact us

If you have questions or need assistance for integrating GitHub with Golive, raise a ticket on our Customer Portal.

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