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Manage Deployments

What is a Deployment?

The Deployment specifies the current version of an application deployed in an environment.

A deployment includes:

  • A Deployed Version/build number, which can be associated with an existing Jira Version.

  • Deployed Jira Issues.

  • Deployment Attributes, such as Release Notes and Artifact URL.

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Why should you track your application deployments?

Read this article if you are not yet familiar with Deployment Tracking:

Track Application Deployments

Manage Deployments

To work with deployments, open the Environment Details of an environment for which you have the “Manage Deployments” permission.

Learn how to manage permissions here: Security & Permissions

Create a new Deployment

First deployment to an environment

To create the first deployment to an environment, click on “Add deployment” top button:

The new deployment dialog will open:

The content and the behavior of the deployment dialogs may be vary depending on the deployment settings done at application level.

Create new deployment from current deployment

Add a new deployment on top of an existing one by clicking the “plus” button on top right of current deployment:

Edit the current deployment

Click on fields to update to change information of current deployment:

Delete current deployment

If you have permission to manage deployments, you can delete the current deployment from here:

View past deployments

Edit / Delete past deployments

If you have permission to manage deployments, you can delete the past deployments from here:

Use the REST API

When possible, it is better to automate the deployment tracking by adapting your existing deployment scripts/pipelines (instead of using the UI):

Change deployment settings from Environment Details

If you have permissions to manage applications, you can access the application deployment settings directly from here:

Deployment Logs Environment Panel

You can browse/manager the full history of your past deployments, including the deployed issues, from the deployment logs environment panel:

Learn more about how to configure Environment Panels here: Environment Panels

Last Deployments Timeline View

You can use the Last Deployments view to browse last deployments on a timeline:

Environment Details Page

You can view and browse performed deployments on a timeline at the bottom of the Environment Details Page or the Browse Environments View:

Issue Deployments Logs

Understand when a Jira issue was deployed to a particular environment.
Keep a comprehensive record of issue deployments with the new issue deployment logs:

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