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Scheduled Events Calendar

Use Cases

Use Scheduled Events Calendars to schedule any kind of generic Events.

A Scheduled Event can be associated or not to Environments. You can use Scheduled Events Calendars to build a Release Roadmap with Milestones, to schedule Deployments, tests runs, data refresh, reboot, freeze periods, etc.

Setup a Scheduled Events Calendar

This documentation refer to specific and advanced settings of Scheduled Events Calendars.

Refer to the page Timeline Core Concepts if you are not familiar with basic concepts and features of Calendars.

Environments Options


You can restrict the list of Environments that can be added to the Calendar’s Events. For instance, add "APP eCommerce" in the filter to allow EXCLUSIVELY eCommerce Environments to be added to Calendar’s Events.

The Environments filter of Scheduled Events Calendar uses the same search syntax than the Environments Search: Search Environments

Default Status

You can set a Default Environment Status when you schedule an Event on an Environment. This option is convenient if you know in advance the status that the Environment will get during the Event.

Let imagine that you setup a Calendar to plan Data Refresh of your databases. In this case, it is likely that Environments will be "Down" while performing the Data Refresh. Therefore, you can set the “Default Status” option with the "Down" Status: each time you will add an Environment to your Event (using drag-and-drop or the "Add" button), the Environment Status will be set to "Down" by default.

Import an iCal/ICS Calendar

Do you have Google agendas or Confluence Team Calendars that you would like to import on your timeline? Do you want to adapt your roadmaps according to the public holidays specific to your country?

Let's import these external calendars in ICS/iCAL format when creating a new Standard Calendar.

On the Calendar creation dialog:

  • Select the “iCal Import” tab

  • Specify the URL you want to download from

  • Set user and password if authentication is required

  • Click on Save to create the Calendar and import Events from your external Calendar

Create a Scheduled Event

To trigger the creation of a new Event, you can either:

  • Click on the PLUS button next to the Calendar

  • Drag-and-drop the PLUS button of a Calendar onto the Timeline

  • Double click on an empty space in the Timeline

Set Basic Information

  • Title: name of the Event displayed on the Timeline

  • Date(s): start/end dates of the Event. Additional options:

    • All Day: round start/end dates to the day

    • Milestone: convert Event to Milestone. A Milestone has no duration (no end date)

  • Calendar: a Scheduled Event only belongs to a one Scheduled Events Calendar. User must have required Calendars permissions: Timeline Core Concepts

  • Color: use this option if you want to choose a specific color for the Event on the Timeline (by default, the color of the Event's Calendar is used)


Use this section to specify which Environment(s) will be used or will be impacted by the Scheduled Event.

  • Click on “Add” button

  • Environment (mandatory): select the Environment that will be impacted or required by the Event

  • Version: select the version that will be:

    • required to perform the Event (ex: you are planning tests or training sessions)

    • the result of actions performed (ex: you are planning deployments or rollbacks)

In the Version field, you can use free text or select a Jira version in the drop-down. The list of Jira versions is restricted based on the version mapping of the Environment’s Application.

  • Status: select the Environment status that will be:

    • required to perform the Event (ex: you need the Environment to be UP for your tests)

    • the result of actions performed (ex: Environment will be DOWN during the Data Refresh or SLOW during a Security Scan)

Resize and Move a Scheduled Event

  • Select and drag start/end of an Event to change its start/end date

  • Select and click in the middle of an Event to move it

Edit a Scheduled Event

To edit a Scheduled Event (belonging to a Scheduled Events Calendar) you can either:

  • double click on it

  • select it and click on the “Edit” button in the Event Dialog

Clone a Scheduled Event

In order to copy a Scheduled Event, click on the Clone button from the Event dialog.

Delete a Scheduled Event

To delete a Scheduled Event (belonging to a Scheduled Events Calendar):

  1. Select the Event to delete

  2. Click on “Delete” link to open the delete dialog

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