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Azure DevOps (TFS, VSTS)

We provide a free extension that is compatible with both on-premise Azure DevOps Server (Team Foundation Server, TFS) and cloud based Azure DevOps Services (Visual Studio Team Services, VSTS).

Benefits of the Apwide Golive Azure DevOps Marketplace Extension

With the Apwide Golive and Azure extension, you can leverage the robust capabilities of Azure DevOps and combine them with the comprehensive test environment management features of Apwide Golive for Jira.

This integration enables you to easily connect your Azure DevOps projects with Apwide Golive. This connection establishes a bridge between the two platforms, enabling smooth data exchange and synchronization. Deployments and relevant environment information required by testers, release managers,... and other teams, are automatically pushed to Apwide Golive and Jira from your Azure DevOps pipelines.

Learn how automatically send deployment and environment information to Golive/Jira from your Azure DevOps pipelines in Apwide Golive Azure Extension Documentation.

Common use cases

Environment Tracking

Contact us

We are at your disposal if you have question or need support regarding Apwide Golive and this integration with Azure DevOps:

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