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Jira Automation

You can use Jira Automation to update Golive Environment Custom Fields.

Select an Environment using the Environment ID

In this use case, we automatically select the target Environment of our Change Requests (Jira issues), depending on the type of change defined in the "Promotion Path" field (version, patch, production fix).

Here is the configuration in Automation for Jira Server/DC:

  • WHEN the drop-down custom field "Promotion Path" is changed

  • IF the value of the "Promotion Path" is "Production Fix"

  • THEN the "Environment(s)" custom field (ID 11'000) is updated with the Environments "eCommerce Test" (ID 56) and "eCommerce Staging" (ID 476)

Automation for Jira configuration

    "fields": {
        "customfield_11000": ["56", "467"]


If you need help with your Golive-Automation for Jira integration, feel free to contact us.

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