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Manage Environments

In this article, you’ll learn how to manage Environments in Golive. If you need detailed information about what is an Environment and its main concepts, please refer to our Environment section in the Glossary.

Create an Environment

To create an Environment, follow these steps:

  1. Open Golive.

  2. Click +Create Environment located in the upper right corner of the screen.

  3. In the Create Environment page, select the Single Environment tab.

  4. Choose a Category or create a new one. If you create a new Category, it will be created only once you validate the creation of your new environment.

  5. Choose an Application or create a new one. If you create a new Application, it will be created only once you validate the creation of your new environment.

  6. Choose a Deployed version or create a new one. If you create a new Deployed version, it will be created only once you validate the creation of your new environment.


Click More to define additional settings such as:

  • Panel Scheme

  • Status

  • URL

  • Additional attributes defined in the Default Attributes field of your Environment Attributes settings. Refer to section “Customizing Environment Attributes” below for more information.

  1. Click Create.

Create Multiple Environments

To create multiple Environments at once in Golive, follow these steps:

  1. Open Golive.

  2. Click +Create Environment located in the upper right corner of the screen.

  3. In the Create Environment page, select the Multiple Environments tab.

  4. Select the desired Applications. If you need to add new Applications, refer to the Manage Applications documentation.

  5. Select the Environment Categories. If you need to add new Categories, refer to the Manage Environment Categories documentation.

  6. Choose the Attributes you want to define for the Environments.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Define the Attribute values for the attributes you selected in the previous step. You may leave a field empty if you wish to define the attribute without assigning any value.

  9. Review the Environments to be created and the attributes to be defined.

  10. Click Create Environments.

Clone an Environment

To clone an Environment, follow these steps:

  1. In Golive, click an Environment to open its details.

  2. Click the Actions button located at the upper right corner of the Environment details screen. It’s represented by a three horizontal dots icon.

  3. Click Clone.


You can also clone Environments from the Environment List View, using the Actions menu.

Updating Environments Details

Follow these instructions to open each one of the Environment Details dialog:

  • Matrix View: Click the version labels.

  • Browser View: Click the Environment that you want to edit from the left menu.

  • List View: Click the Environment name, and then double-click on an Environment line, or use the Edit Environment option in the Actions menu.

  • Last Deployments View & Last Status Changes View: Click the Environment name on each Swimlane.

Update an Environment Field

Once you are in the Environment Details dialog:

  1. Move the cursor on the field you want to edit.

  2. Click the desired field.

When you insert URLs or e-mail addresses into environment fields, they will be automatically detected, shortened, and formatted as HTML links.
Line breaks are also automatically detected and converted to be displayed properly.

  1. You can include HTML tags (without javascript) to customize rendering of your attribute values with logos and images:

Environment attribute values can be deleted using the icons on the right of their label. You can add new Environment attribute values using the Add Attribute button positioned at the bottom. For instructions on how to define new Attributes, refer to the Environment Attributes section in this article.

Delete an Environment Attribute

Once you are in the Environment Details dialog:

  1. Move the cursor on the field you want to edit.

  2. Click Delete, represented by a thrash bin icon.

Reorder Environment Attributes VERSION 9.1.+

Once you are in the Environment Details dialog, use the drag and drop function to reorder the Environments.

Manage Environment Dependencies


For detailed information about Dependencies in Golive, refer to
Environment Dependencies.

Once you are in the Environment Details dialog:

  1. Click the Add dependency button located under the Environment name.

Check the Dependencies settings of the current application if you can't see the button.

  1. Select an existing Environment or create a new one.

Check the Dependencies settings of the current application if you can't see the button.

To remove a Dependency, click the X icon positioned on the right of the Dependency.

Manage Environment Tiers

For detailed information about Tiers in Golive, refer to
Multi-tier Environments.

Once you are in the Environment Details dialog:

  1. Click the Add tier button located under the Environment name.

  2. Add an existing Tier or create a new Tier Environment.

  3. Click the Environment Tier Name to update it.

  4. Click the Environment Tier Status to change it.

  5. Click the X icon to remove the Tier.


Refer to the Application Tiers documentation for detailed information.

Update Environment Permission Scheme

Within the Environment Details page:

  1. Locate and click the locker icon positioned at the upper right corner.

  2. Under the Applied Permission Scheme section, locate and click the Edit button, which is represented by a pencil icon.

  3. In the Your Permissions section, you can review the current permissions assigned to your user account.


If you can't edit the permission scheme, it may mean you lack the necessary permissions or there's only one scheme available. For more details, refer to the Security & Permissionsdocumentation.

Delete an Environment

To delete an Environment, follow these steps:

  1. In Golive, click an Environment to open its details.

  2. Click the Actions button located at the upper right corner of the Environment details screen. It’s represented by a three horizontal dots icon.

  3. Click Delete.


You can also delete Environments from the Environment List view by using the Actions menu.

Customizing Environment Attributes

Environment Attributes, like Jira Custom Fields, enable users to store and share specific information relevant to their context. They offer a structured approach for customizing and extending a system's functionality, similar to how Jira Custom Fields capture additional data for issues.

Manage Environment Attributes


To manage attributes, you need Manage Attributes global permission. For detailed information about permissions, refer to the Security & Permissions article.

To access the Environment Attributes page, follow these steps:

  1. Click the gear icon positioned next to the + Create Environment button.

  2. From the Settings drop-down menu, select Environment Attributes.

By following these steps, you'll open a new page dedicated to managing Environment Attributes, where you can adjust settings and configurations as needed.

Set Default Environment Attributes

Standardize the structure of your Environments by defining a set of default attributes that will be automatically added to newly created Environments:

  1. In the Environment Attributes page, click the Default Attributes field.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select the Environment Attributes to be set as default. These attributes will be automatically set to newly created Environments.


You can also set Default Attributes when creating a new Environment.

Setup a new Environment Attribute

In the Environment Attributes page:

  1. Click the Add Attribute button.

  2. Provide a Name for your new attribute.

  3. Choose the Attribute Type.

  4. Optionally, check the box to indicate if it's a Secured Attribute.

  5. Click Create.

Create as many attributes as needed to document your Environment configurations. Consider what information is relevant for your Jira users. If you have numerous attributes, use the Filter Displayed Attributes search box to locate them quickly.

Secured Attributes

Secured Attributes are particularly useful for storing credentials or any sensitive data that shouldn't be accessible to all users authorized to view an Environment.

We do not recommend using secured attributes for storing highly sensitive information like production secrets. Secured attributes values are stored in plain text in the Golive database.

When you activate the Secured option, you can limit the visibility of sensitive attributes. Only users with the View Secured Attributes or Edit Secured Attributes permissions will have access to view or update these attributes.

For detailed information, refer to the Security & Permissions documentation.

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